The field of medicine is filled with ethical dilemmas and as technology gets better at exponential rates, these dilemmas only increase.
What's your take on gene editing and designer babies? When the tech is available should people have the option to pay a premium to make sure their babies will be tall, strong, or have blue eyes (designer babies)? Should euthanasia be legalized? What about human cloning? If an older family member is diagnosed with a terminal disease, should the doctor tell them? Or should the doctor leave it up to the family? Should we tell them at all?
Let's debate!
Come explore explosive topics like these, and see where the argument takes us! Controlled arguments help build skills like expressing yourself clearly, listening deeply, and disagreeing respectfully, all while letting you learn more about others and yourself!
As we talk, we will analyze some of the best (and worst!) ways to discuss and debate in English.